STEMadium Research Findings

Students significantly increase in the ability to identify all elements that impact trajectory of a hit baseball

STEMadium significantly increase student knowledge and skill to calculate the area of a triangle

Students showed new interest in math-related careers.

The games were all very fun, and they gave us a chance to keep learning more about science, math and baseball!
Stops the summer slide
In a randomized controlled trial, STEMadium significantly improved players STEM outcomes.
Science scores improved significantly
Knowledge of correct percentages of each food group increased significantly
Improvement in calculating algebraic functions
"I learned about how to make an operational baseball bat using science, and how to have a balanced diet"
Youth who didn’t think math was very useful significantly improved their perception of math usefulness
The games were all very fun, and they gave us a chance to keep learning more about science, math and baseball!
  • Stops the summer slide
  • In a randomized controlled trial, STEMadium significantly improved players STEM outcomes.
  • Science scores improved significantly
  • Knowledge of correct percentages of each food group increased significantly
  • Improvement in calculating algebraic functions
  • Youth who didn’t think math was very useful significantly improved their perception of math usefulness
"I learned about how to make an operational baseball bat using science, and how to have a balanced diet"

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